Title Requirements {Updated}
from StarNyte@burggit.moe to cunny@burggit.moe on 16 Jun 2023 14:39

Figured I’d make this community a bit more organized so I’m making requirements on what the title should look like. It’s pretty similar to what yiff requires, but modified for here.

This will apply from this update on, anything before can stay as it was or you can edit it to match

Title (Author)


Any questions leave a comment.

Based on a vote the following is no longer required:

(of course if you want to use it feel free to it’s just not required)


Add a G- for multiples aka groups:

You can also do triple/quadruple of any combination such as [M/F/L] or [M/Futa/F/L]

*Futanari - must have both a penis and a vagina, boobs/balls/both are optional.


threaded - newest

IICannyII@burggit.moe on 02 Mar 2024 14:46 collapse

Is it wise to still not allow AI art in this sub? there is not much activity here, it’s not like more posts would not be welcome… also the AI community is dead… the last 3 posts are 6 days 26 days, and 2 months old lol.